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AI Blog

I've been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for years. Thinking about how much it could change our daily routines astounds me. The possibilities are endless - from making our homes more energy-efficient to helping us tackle the most mundane tasks, like grocery shopping. And that's just the beginning! As technology advances, AI may even assist us with driving or making complex medical decisions. I use this blog to post my thoughts about artificial intelligence.
This image shows a robotic face looking to the right toward a blank screen.

AI And Retirement

April 29, 2023
Are you ready for a future where your personal assistant is a robot? No, not the kind that walks around like a human, but the kind that can anticipate your every need and desire, no matter how bizarre? Well, get excited because that future is closer than you think! Read More...
This image shows two robots looking toward a distant city.

The Future of AI

May 3, 2023
AI has been debated for more than half a century, but now that it is here the question is, will it improve humanity or destroy it? Read More...

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